Wednesday 19 June 2013

Progress! Post-Heart Attack Dad Boot Camp!

Halt! Before you ask yourself: Why is she so scantily clad?! realize that I've asked this question myself! Also, please refrain from looking at the background, geez. I suppose I've done it now haha well if you're gonna look, then at least don't judge. I don't become super cleaning lady until the late afternoon and these were taken in the morning. While I'm pretty sure I'm not really as thin as I look in the third picture, I wanted to put these up is because I'm really proud of my progress over the last two months. My father is recovering from a heart attack so I came to Manitoba to stay with him over the summer and we have both been hitting the gym and practicing healthier eating habits. There's more of a story to follow below!

My father is 50 years old and has been drastically overweight most of his life :( I went to college and the freshman 15 found its way onto my backside, even though I went to the gym almost everyday. Both of us reeling from poor habits had decided to get together for the summer. Then my father had a "Cardiac Event" and I swore I would rush to his aid to personal train him (I obviously needed some training myself haha). Since April 30th he's lost approximately 20 pounds just being active and yes, you know it: eating his vegetables!  We swim together, go to the gym together, and believe you me, some of those late night yoga sessions have been a struggle, but not in vain!

Here is a picture of my Daddy and I (Remember what I said about having the same face?) Yes we do!

Thats all for now folks! (: 

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