Wednesday 19 June 2013

An Auto-Biography?

Is that what the kids are calling them these days?

Well, hopefully you've read the somewhat didactic beginning to my blog/potential straight to paperback book (:

Then I realized, aside from my age and the fact that I am a University student, y'all don't know much about what motivates this pragmatic romantic...

So here's my life story in a nut-shell, accompanied by a breakdown of how super fun my blog is gonna be:

 I was born in Scarborough Ontario, my father says he found me under a cabbage patch like some troll child, but we have the same face so I don't believe him. We moved around a lot, yadda yadda, I ended up living in Texas for four years and then moved centripetally around the Western Canadian provinces upon my return, ending up close to Edmonton. University is the game, Camrose is the name.

Initially this blog was just a fun way for me to get my feelings out there, obviously I have a lot of them. Now I'm a crafty gal- as you'll all see, however I'm useless at musical instruments and I prefer to get all my feelings out through poetry, painting, and the occasional day-drempt tirade. I enjoy exercise in all of its forms, aside from long distance running. Ick. Also I am trying live a healthier lifestyle (Helping my daddy Post-Heart Attack) and be less stress-friendly. I can hear you bemoaning, not another self-rightouts, clean eating, yogi. Well maybe just a little, but there's more than meets the eye. If you aren't interested... You know what Taylor Swift says? She says people throw rocks at things that shine. So ha.

Regardless, not that my life is epically important, but I'm a firm believer in helping others, as well as the three i's: inspiration, information, and instigation.

Stay tuned! I'll be sharing my crafts, workouts, fun healthy (and not so healthy recipes), poems, painting, soul-touching and crushing stories and pretty much everything fun. Hope to hear from some of you (: Enjoy!

By the way:

This is me (:

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