Thursday 26 December 2013


I dare say it's been quite a while since I have even looked at this blog. Thanks to my heavy science university course load and a lot of forgetting to go write on my blog I guess its been around a half a year. What's the New Year for though, right? New beginnings? Or re-beginning old things you've forgotten about... I digress. I had a wonderful and difficult semester, had to sacrifice this blog, however I did achieve a 3.7 GPA in a science program so I feel like my blog can take the hit. This semester is going to be just as hard and just as busy, however, I've been completely slacking on my healthily lifestyle, especially this Christmas (Pretty sure I ate my body weight in chocolate, and I'm no even hyperbolizing) and hopefully this blog will help keep me honest! (:

I received quite a few Christmas presents centred around healthy living this season and will include some pictures later on.